Tuesday, July 29, 2003

King to read on Tu B'av

Ruchama King will read from her buzzing new book, SEVEN BLESSINGS, at 7:30 p.m. on August 13 at the Barnes & Noble at 82nd Street and Broadway in New York City. Conveniently, August 13th is Tu B'av, one of the most romantic days on the Jewish calendar. Traditionally, this is the day when the young women of Jerusalem would dance in the vineyards while the single men watched. It is also the day women were permitted to marry outside their tribe. What better day for a reading of a book about love, weddings and matchmaking?

Monday, July 14, 2003

Paley graces MEENA with a blurb

The legendary Grace Paley writes of Melody Ermachild Chavis' new book, MEENA, HEROINE OF AFGHANISTAN:

"Meena: a life, a country, Afghanistan, women's lives, bravery, and determination to educate girls and young women in the face of the crudest oppression. After Meena's murder, the women inspired by her, despite great danger, continue the work. An important book."

Friday, July 11, 2003

The Today Show is TAKEN with Kathleen George

Kathleen George's TAKEN has been put on the Today Show's summer reading list, selected by The San Francisco Chronicle's book critic, David Kipen. Click here for the list.